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Tree of Life Lutheran Church

Worship Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Our worship uses updated liturgies and is centered around the life of Christ. Key elements of our Christ-centeredness include Gospel preaching and weekly communion. 

Our Worship Teams

Worship and Music

The Worship and Music team makes sure that our worship life happens. The defining marks of the church are things that happen in worship: praying, preaching, reading scripture, baptizing, communing. We meet the first Thursday of every month.

Our primary musician is Mr. Duane Dillard. Duane plays the piano and also directs our choir. 

Our ushers help people get their worship material, find open seats, and assist visitors in orienting themselves to the building. They also tally attendance, take the offering, and help communion flow. Want to usher? Contact George Matz. []

Acolytes light our candles, assist with the collection of the offering and the distribution of holy communion, and assist the pastor as needed. Most of our acolytes are children, but there is, in fact, no age group to which this ministry is assigned. Want to acolyte? Contact

Worship Assistants help the congregation worship by reading Scripture publicly, leading prayers, and helping to distribute Holy Communion. Want to be a Worship Assisstant? Contact

The Chair of Worship and Music is Sylvia Schill. []

The choir is open to all ages and all ranges of musical abilities. We have members who perform semi-professionally and others who barely read music. The one requirement is commitment to be at rehearsals and at worship on Sundays and special services like Christmas Eve, Easter, etc. For more information, contact our director, Duane Dillard. []

Tree of Life Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 64
505 Osbourne Street
Odessa, DE 19730
(302) 378-3345